Red Rhino is an Accredited .ie (IEDR) Domain Reseller
Secure Your Permanent Presence Online
Domain Name Registration
As well as offering the full range of ‘normal’ TLD (Top Level Domains), we can also register Irish .ie domain names, as Red Rhino is an Accredited .ie (IEDR) Reseller.
Irish .ie domain names are only available to register by any company or organisation with a “connection” to Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. There is a wide range of permissible conditions which satisfy this “connection” requirement from the .ie Registrar. Even if you are based outside the island of Ireland, you can still register an Irish .ie domain name if you can demonstrate trade or commercial activity within Northern Ireland or Republic of Ireland.
Depending on your circumstances, we can advise on the best application route to take and what documentation is required, if any. All registration submissions are subject to review by the IEDR and, if we feel that there are reasonable grounds for making a registration submission, we will happily do so. However, you will not be charged if the application is not accepted, so you have nothing to lose!

Your Own .ie Identity
Why Register An Irish .ie Domain Name?
If you are based in (or trade within) the Republic of Ireland, it would give you a ‘local’ domain name which is very recognisable.
If you are based in Great Britain and intend developing or maximising your business in the Republic of Ireland.
If you wish to protect you company name or brand.
Irish .ie domains are often given prominence in (which is widely used in ROI) and other Irish search engines, more so than .com/ domains.
Please contact us for more details and we would be delighted to check if your preferred .ie domain name is still available and advise you of the suitability of your application.